6th Annual Capital Link Singapore Maritime Forum | Energy Transition & Alternative Fuels

April 16, 2024
35:19 Min.

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Podcast Summary

Energy Transition & Alternative Fuels

Moderator: Mr. Shu Yong Koh, Director, Global Sustainability – ABS


• Ms. Dorothea Ioannou, Chief Executive Officer – American P&I Club

• Mr. Mark Cameron, Managing Director – Ardmore Shipping Asia Pte. Ltd

• Mr. Danny Goldsmith, Senior Manager - Enterprise Marine Strategy – Chevron

• Mr. Andrew Hoare, Head of Fortescue Marine Systems – Fortescue

• Ms. Friederike Hesse, Co-Founder & Managing Director – zero44

The 6th Annual Capital Link Singapore Maritime Forum

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Fairmont Singapore

Held in partnership with Columbia Shipmanagement and Singhai Marine Services

In conjunction with the 2024 Singapore Maritime Week

More information: https://forums.capitallink.com/shipping/2024singapore/