2022 12th Capital Link Sustainability Forum - Health: Technology and Transformation-Challenges in the Contemporary Geopolitical Landscape

September 27, 2022
29:22 Min.

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Podcast Summary

 Health: Technology and Transformation-Challenges in the Contemporary Geopolitical Landscape

Moderator :

• Dr. George Veliotes, Director of Life & Health, Interamerican; Chairman, Insurance Europe Health Platform; Chairman, Eurapco Health Group

Panelists :

• Mr. Vassilis Kontozamanis, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Greece, Hellenic Republic

• Ms. Despina Nikolaidis, Head Patient Access, Health Policy & Public Affairs, Novartis Hellas

• Mr. George Gazepis, Chairman, COGNITY S.A.

12th Annual Capital Link Sustainability Forum, Tuesday, Septermber 27, 2022, Grand Hyatt Athens Hotel. For more information on the event please visit here: http://csringreece.gr/forum/2022/index.php?lang=en