Capital Link Invest in Greece Webinar Series 2024 | Greek Economy: Outlook Post Investment Upgrade

June 18, 2024
1:00:20 Min.

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Podcast Summary

Greek Economy: Prospects & Outlook Post Investment Upgrade

Brief Presentation & Roundtable Discussion


  • Mr. Georgios Papadimitriou, Partner, Accounts & Markets Leader, Central, Eastern & Southeastern Europe & Central Asia - EY


  • Mr. Michael Arghyrou, Head of the Council of Economic Advisers - Hellenic Republic
  • Dr. Tasos Anastasatos, Group Chief Economist, Deputy General Manager - Eurobank
  • Dr. Ilias Lekkos, Chief Economist - Piraeus Bank
  • Mr. Frank Gill, Managing Director, EMEA Lead Sovereign Analyst - S&P Global Ratings

Tuesday, June 18, 2024  

Capital Link Invest in Greece Webinar Series 2024 |  Linking Greece with the International Business & Investment Community

A series of webinars to update the international investment community on developments in Greece and to raise the profile of Greece as a business and investment destination. Hosted with the support of the Hellenic Fund & Asset Management Association. These webinars will be organized on a regular basis, culminating with the Annual "Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum" which will take place in New York on Monday, December 9, 2024. Follow this link below for more information on the event: