Global Ship Lease Ltd. (GSL) Update & Outlook - Capital Link Presentation Series | January 24, 2024

January 24, 2024
50:14 Min.

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Global Ship Lease Ltd. (GSL) & Containers Update & Outlook - Capital Link Presentation Series | 1.24.24

Company Management Speakers:

  • Mr. Thomas Lister, Chief Commercial Officer & Head of ESG
  • Mr. Tassos Psaropoulos, CFO

About GSL | Global Ship Lease is a leading independent owner of containerships with a diversified fleet of mid-sized and smaller containerships. Incorporated in the Marshall Islands, Global Ship Lease commenced operations in December 2007 with a business of owning and chartering out containerships under fixed-rate charters to top tier container liner companies. It was listed on the New York stock Exchange in August 2008.

As at September 30, 2023, Global Ship Lease owned 68 containerships ranging from 2,207 to 11,040 TEU, with an aggregate capacity of 375,406 TEU. 36 ships are wide-beam Post-Panamax.

As at September 30, 2023, the average remaining term of the Company's charters, to the mid-point of redelivery, including options under the Company's control and other than if a redelivery notice has been received, was 2.1 years on a TEU-weighted basis. Contracted revenue on the same basis was $1.81 billion. Contracted revenue was $2.23 billion, including options under charterers' control and with latest redelivery date, representing a weighted average remaining term of 2.8 years.

Global Ship Lease shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "GSL" For more information about Global Ship Lease, please visit

About Series | Capital Link Company Presentation Series features Senior Management of publicly listed maritime companies will present their business and strategy, overall development and outlook to a wider investor audience.

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